Minor surgery

To cut hospital waiting lists the doctors regularly perform minor operations.

Please ask a member of our reception team for further information and booking details.

Health Visitors

Our health visitors specialise in health education and preventive care for people of all ages. They also run our child health clinics where they carry out growth and development checks, and give vaccinations and general advice.

They can be contacted at the surgery on (0191) 548 3208 during the following times, when they work at the surgery with other team members to run clinics:

Monday 1.30pm–3.30pm

Nursing Team Services

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Our Nurse Practitioner, Dana Bird, is an experienced nurse who has completed additional training to be able to assess, examine and treat a wide range of conditions and provide prescriptions. Appointments for Dana are available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please ask a member of our reception team if you would like to book an appointment.

Nurse Practitioner

Our Nurse Practitioner, Doreen Davies, is an experienced practice nurse who has completed additional training to be able to assess, examine and treat a wide range of conditions. Appointments for Doreen are available each morning between 8.45 am and 12.00 noon. Please ask a member of our reception team if you would like to book an appointment.

Practice Nurses

Our highly trained Practice Nursing team, Doreen, Louise and Danni are able to carry out practice nursing procedures and can also offer information and guidance on a wide range of topics. Appointments are available between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please ask at reception for availability.

  • Asthma, COPD & Diabetes – regular monitoring and advice
  • Heart Disease – regular monitoring and advice, also advice on how to prevent heart disease
  • Vaccinations – including tetanus, influenza, pneumonia, childhood and holiday vaccinations. Not all holiday vaccinations are available free under the NHS
  • Women’s health – cervical smears and advice on breast self-examination, menopause, etc.
  • Older person – an annual check-up is recommended for patients over 75 years of age.

Minor Ailments and Minor Injuries

Our Practice Nurses have been specially trained to provide advice and treatment for a number of minor ailments and minor injuries including;

  • Coughs, colds and sore throats
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Rashes – including sunburn, cold sores, athlete’s foot etc.
  • Water infections & thrush (female patients only)
  • Minor injuries not amenable to simple home first aid
  • Head lice
  • Hayfever
  • Emergency contraception

Healthcare Assistants

Our Healthcare Assistants, Maureen, Joanne and Lysa have been specially trained as technicians to support the work of the clinical team members by carrying out new patient checks, reviews and a wide variety of practical test procedures.

Having this support enables us to make best use of the skills of all of the clinical team and improves access to practice and district nursing clinics. Please speak to a member of our reception team if you wish to book an appointment.

Our Healthcare Assistants also offer a smoking cessation clinic here at the surgery. Please ring reception on (0191) 548 3635 to book this appointment and complete the Smoking Cessation Form to either hand into reception before your appointment or bring with you on the day.

District Nurses

Our team of district nurses provide home nursing care and also provide he following services from nearby Southwick Health Centre HUB:

  • Removal of stitches
  • Wound care
  • Changing dressings.

Child Health Checks

Health Visitors

You can normally see the Health Visitors at their drop-in clinic; for further information please contact the Practice.

Health Visitors are all trained Nurses who have extra training and qualifications in child health.They are a fantastic source of information about child development and health, parenting strategies, breastfeeding, nutrition and community support. They also offer help with social, emotional and environmental issues that affect families.

What does a health visitor do?

Child health checks

Appointments are sent out automatically by the local health authority for routine child health checks.

The first will be with a GP at the Surgery when your baby is around 6 weeks old. You will be sent information about this and asked to make an appointment at your local Clinic or Practice.

You will also be offered routine health reviews for your child, with your Health Visitor, at 6-8 weeks, 8-12 months and 2-2½ years old.

Child immunisations

Immunisations are given by our Practice Nurses or other Healthcare Professionals in accordance with the NHS vaccine schedule.

When to immunise

Different vaccines are given at different ages to protect you and your child. Find out when these vaccinations are offered, and when and where they’ll be given:

Antenatal Care

Telling your GP and/or Midwife promptly will help to make sure you receive maternity healthcare that takes into account all your health needs and preferences. You can book an appointment with your GP or directly with your Midwife as soon as you know that you’re pregnant.

It’s best to see them as early as possible to obtain the information you need to have a healthy pregnancy, and because some tests, such as screening for sickle cell and thalassaemia should be done before you’re 10 weeks’ pregnant.

Screening tests for you and your baby


The Midwife works with the Doctor to give care to women having a baby, both before birth and for ten days after the baby is delivered. All of the doctors provide full antenatal and postnatal care in conjunction with our community midwives.The midwives run our antenatal clinic at the surgery on Wednesday where they provide care and advice during pregnancy.

The role of the midwife

A Midwife is a qualified nurse who has undertaken further training to provide and promote normal midwifery.

They help you to prepare for motherhood and promote good health for yourself and your baby by advising on the effects of drinking, smoking and good diet whilst you are pregnant.

The Midwife guides you through your pregnancy and endeavours to detect any problems and make relevant referrals if necessary.

Your antenatal care

When you first learn that you’re pregnant, get in touch with a Midwife or GP as soon as possible. Ideally this should be by 10 weeks of your pregnancy. Telling your GP and/or Midwife promptly will help to make sure you receive maternity healthcare that takes into account all your health needs and preferences.

Birth to Five information

Teenage Friendly

We aim to offer services which are ‘teenage-friendly’.

In summary, this means that:

  • We welcome teenagers and aim to put them at ease when they come to the practice
  • We can assure teenagers that confidentiality will be maintained if aged 12-16, and they ask to keep details of their consultations confidential or if they consult us about potentially sensitive issues
  • Teenagers are welcome to see a Doctor on their own if they wish and are aged 12-16. We would however advise them to come with an adult where possible.

Sexual health advice is available, as is advice on other issues such as depression, drugs, alcohol and self-harm and we can advise teenagers about emergency contraception if required.

Can I see the GP or Nurse on my own?

Our doctors and nurses will listen to you and take your concerns seriously, sometimes, young people can find it more difficult than adults to talk about the underlying problem and the reason for seeing a GP.

As a young person, you can be seen on your own, with no lower age limit. Our reception staff can make an appointment for you to see a GP without a parent if you would prefer to.

If you come with a parent/carer/friend, you can still be seen on your own for part of the consultation while they wait outside.

People aged 16 or over are entitled to consent to their own treatment. This can only be overruled in exceptional circumstances.

Like adults, young people (aged 16 or 17) are presumed to have sufficient capacity to decide on their own medical treatment, unless there’s significant evidence to suggest otherwise.

Children under the age of 16 can consent to their own treatment if they’re believed to have enough intelligence, competence and understanding to fully appreciate what’s involved in their treatment. This is known as being Gillick competent.

Further information about consent to treatment from NHS England

There is also a handy leaflet that you can download or view regarding accessing GP online services.

NHS Services

Your guide to using NHS services in England, including GPs, Dentists, Opticians and Pharmacies.